Captains Blog

Boldly going where no blog has gone before..


I had the weirdest dream last night.

I seemed to be in the future, and I was on board a later version of the Enterprise. I wandered around for a while to get my bearings, finding lots of advanced machinery and computers I could understand even less than the ones I am used to. Eventually I stumbled into a bar.

All the female officers were wearing strange uniforms. All the short dresses I am used to were gone.

The women were still largely in caring roles as you would expect, but some actually worked in engineering!

Anyway, I had a few drinks in this strange dream bar and started mumbling at my fellow drinkers, trying to get them a little bit fired up. It was only a dream, so I pretty much did whatever I liked for a laugh. I gesticulated wildly at the bar woman to fire up a 20th century invention called a Karaoke machine. She just looked at me sadly.

Although awkward about my behaviour, the crew tolerated my actions without question. After a while, some bearded show off came in and took me back to my quarters and told me to sleep it off. I asked him what he was looking at, and whether he wanted to take it outside. He made some excuse about the vacuum of space, and told me he was assuming command. I mumbled aggressively as he left and went to have a look in the mirror.

I was greeted by the sight of a balding old man!

I thought it must be a dream about the future, so in my drunken state, I tried replicating myself some hair in some kind of attempt to foresee the problem so that I could deal with it when I woke up. That’s the last thing I remember..

Anyway, It was a pretty vivid dream. I even woke up this morning with what felt like a hangover.

It’s still dark.

I’ll go for a shower in a minute.


At 5:00 pm, Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

I think you're in for a surprise...

At 7:47 pm, Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said...

Dreams can seem very realistic sometimes.

At 2:23 am, Blogger M. C. Pearson said...

I thought you might get over your timelag and see that you've become a body snatcher. Good luck.

At 3:21 am, Blogger Professor Xavier said...

It has been said that each character in our dreams is really a representation of an aspect of ourselves. This means that your desire to engage in a physical altercation with the bearded character may just be revealing of either an inner struggle your have with yourself over some deep seeded issue or an indication of your self-loathing. It is highly possible that you feel shame and guilt over your rampant objectification of women, and this is expressed in your dream state as physical combat.

Or perhaps a highly evolved, extremely powerful alien swapped your mind temporarily with a future Enterprise captain and then wiped your memory.

At 10:09 am, Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

I'm going with X. He sounds like my psychologist!!

I'm sure you'll work it out.


At 10:16 am, Blogger Captain Berk said...

I feel better now, although I don't remember much more of what happened.

At 3:00 pm, Blogger Trinity13 said...

A hangover huh?! And no babe in bed next to ya?! You have it so rough!


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