Captains Blog

Boldly going where no blog has gone before..


I wedgied Spock whilst he was looking into that periscope/science thingy on his desk a week ago.

He locked me in the brig, hence my absence.

I'm thinking about reporting him, but unfortunately he's too good at his job for me to do without. I spent my time in the cells writing an idea for a starfleet stage play.

It's about a male Romulan who falls in love with a female Starfleet cadet. Their love is pure and strong, but their respective organisations refuse to acknowledge their union. They plan to fake their own deaths but it all goes wrong. A staged warpcore explosion turns into an actual warp core explosion and they die.

It's called: Romulan and Juliet.


At 3:52 pm, Blogger Trinity13 said...

Hmmm, I think you've got something great here!!!

At 5:36 pm, Blogger Richard Quick, Millionaire said...

I wept 'til I cried just reading about it. Let me know if you need financial backing. The only problem I see is copyright infringement from the title. There was another play called Romeo & Gelarius of ARRGON 3 some years ago.

I recall once we faked an alien abduction of Spock and worked him over with the anal probe, just for laffs. When he reminded us that he WAS an alien, and the scenario, therefore improbable, it ruined the fun.

At 6:21 pm, Blogger Doug Murata said...

I can see it now. "Terellian plague on both your homeworlds!" It'll be great.

Richard: if Spock is an alien to us, aren't we aliens to him? Would that not still produce an alien abduction of sorts?

At 6:46 pm, Blogger Jardena said...

Very deep and profound, you should try to stage it on the ship. There can be an epic battle between the Romulans and Starfleet, and you can use all the older, slower ugly ships that make fleet look a bit tacky. It's a win win situation

At 11:01 pm, Blogger Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

That sounds like an awesome play.

Will there be a fight scene featuring a ripped shirt, karate chop to the shoulder, and forward roll/double axe handle chop combo?

That would rule on so many levels.

At 2:37 am, Blogger Professor Xavier said...

I think it might be time to find an open airlock for Spock. That Vulcan is getting a little snotty.

At 2:48 pm, Blogger Captain Berk said...

Trin: Thanks. I thught it was quite original.

Rich: I destroyed ARRGON 3 quite some time ago, so there is no need to worry.

Doug: That's a great line. I'll use it if you don't mind.

Oneida: With ideas like that, perhaps you should apply for the cherography officers post at the academy

Jon: I'm sure I can work that in somewhere...

At 10:03 pm, Blogger Magdalena said...

perhaps you should punish spock

At 8:19 am, Blogger Vegeta said...

You should lern the Ki Wedgie Spock couldn't prove any thing then

At 1:40 pm, Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said...

I don't know; it sounds an unlikely play.

At 7:04 pm, Blogger Doug Murata said...

I don't mind at all, Captain!

At 3:03 pm, Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

This is clearly a work of genius waiting to happen.

You could also write 'The Merchant of Venus' or 'Taming of the Crew'

At 9:43 pm, Blogger Professor Xavier said...

How about "Mid-ship Night's Dream?"

At 3:42 pm, Blogger Wolverine said...

or maybe Mcbetazoid

At 3:10 pm, Blogger Captain Berk said...

Mag: I try, but he often outfoxes me. Perhaps I can hide his chess set just to annoy him

Veg: The Ki Wedgie sounds like a fabulous special move. Educate me.

Jean Luc: You look like a theatrical type. Perhaps you could play one of the parts.

Doug: You are truly subservient, therefore worthy of being one of my inferiors..err I mean senior officers.

UTMG: I've got my hands full enough with his one.

Prof: You write it and I'll tear my shirt off in it.

Wolverine: Weapon X didn't just make you a pretty face then!

At 4:55 pm, Blogger Richard Quick, Millionaire said...


To change the subject:

You have been silent on this immigration issue that rages here on earth. with your intergalactic immigration experience, why don't you share yous wisdom.

Weren't you involved with the building of the space fence around Uranus?

I need some help with getting GnomeWatch International going, and am hurt you did not sign my petition for the Magic Fence on my site.

Remember, no man is an island, except maybe for Blorg from Carribus 6.5. And he wasn't really a man.

See you on the veranda,


At 7:42 am, Blogger reverendtimothy said...

Hahahahahaha. That's awesome. my parents being trekkies, I can't believe I haven't heard that one before! :D *runs to recount story to mum*


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